A good education is something we were told as kids. That college was the next step after high school. For some this is not always true, like myself I went to The Culinary Institute of America and before I could even apply it was a requirement to have 9 months of working experience. I hope that by seeing this list you can achieve anything you want and you/you’re child will never feel burdend by being born with Klinefelter syndrome. This list is made up of actual people with Klinefelter syndrome who live all over the world. Some of these individuals have multiple degrees / certifications.
Growing up we spend an average of 1,080 hours a year on education. For most of our childhood our brains are one giant sponge and we are learning and teaching as we get older. Learning never stops even when you leave the education system. I remember the countless hours outside of school, with tutors, sylvan learning center, hooked on Phonics, special education classes and extended time on tests in high school. Not only was high school hard with academics but learning how to socialize was also something I got better at as the time went on.
For those of us who might learn different than most of the population that doesn’t mean we don’t have options to adapt to our learning. With the world changing and technology becoming more advanced we are now seeing Creative schools, Tech schools, and lots of other hands on learning that people with Klinefelter syndome excell in.