Klinefelter Syndrome Positive Traits

We want you to feel hopeful, positive and proud.

Luke who is 13 years old, smiling for Klinefelter syndrome awareness

Typically when you search the internet for information on Klinefelter syndrome, you find negative and depressing information that is usually 10 to 30 years old. This page is about the positive traits of Klinefelter syndrome and highlights those who continue to live wonderful lives all over the world.

We have had the opportunity to meet over 500 people living with Klinefelter syndrome – 47 xxy in the last 2 years since our start in 2017. We have traveled to Australia and New Zealand in order to spread more awareness and we plan to travel even more in the years to come. It continues to be a life-changing experience for all of us.

We searched the internet only to find this one article about Mathew. A teenager who we have met in person many times. Mathew has now graduated from high school and is in the process of becoming an artist.

Ryan Bregante says “All my life I have consider myself very creative, hands-on, visual and like to live life outside the box. In today’s society, there is no “Normal” and we just need to embrace and accept our differences.” For those of us with Klinefelter syndrome like myself, we are truly amazing people who just happen to have an extra X chromosome. Most adults who are diagnosed understand the difficulties in life with stigmas, learning difficulties and medical issues. We want you to use this information to help educate those around you. Word of mouth is the most powerful type of communication.


The ability to recall pages of text, numbers, or similar, in great detail, without the visualization that comes with an eidetic memory. The ability to briefly look at a page of information and then recite it perfectly from memory.


Kinesthetic learning allows people to experiment with trial and error and learn from their mistakes. The process of learning by doing. To be most effective, hands-on activities should mimic a real-world scenario as much as possible.


The ability to remember an image in so much detail, clarity, and accuracy that it is as though the image were still being perceived.


Having the ability or power to create. originality of thought or inventiveness. Skills and talent to create fine works of art: painting, drawing, and sculpting. The skill and talent to use our imagination to create and solve.


Able to store information from events in our lives and remember them like it was yesterday, explaining in detail.


Someone who is good at seeing small and important things that other people might not notice. To compose shots, even out of mundane situations around them.


Being more adept at spatial and nonverbal concepts. Also being more creative and emotional.


Can pick up learning a musical instrument quickly without needing to read music. Having a natural talent for music.


The ability to let our mind to be creative or resourceful. To be able to think without lines or barriers, anythings possible in the mind.


We notice the details, detect slight changes and care about people’s feelings. We take time to absorb and process, rather than rushing to a decision.


Some people are highly sensitive emotionally to their own feelings and feel things very deeply. Seven basic emotions are joy, surprise, fear, disgust, anger, contempt, and sadness.


Feeling and showing sympathy and concern for others. Spending your own time and money to help people.