What is Embryo Adoption?

For couples or individuals hoping to expand their families, embryo adoption is an avenue to explore. While not as widely known as other forms of adoption or means of growing a family, it’s still a viable option for many.

Sometimes after going through the in vitro fertilization process (IVF) couples are left with several fertilized eggs. If they decide their family is complete but there are still eggs left over, there’s a few options available to them. One is to offer those eggs for adoption, by donating them to a couple desirous of having their own children.

How does it work?

Those wishing to adopt an embryo can work with online agencies. There are several to choose from. Embryos that are donated to another couple are considered that couple’s biological child. There are no legal adoption processes to pursue, and the embryo’s donors have no legal claims to the child once born.

After determining which agency you wish to move forward with, there may be fees to pay. Additionally, most organizations will require you and your partner to undergo medical tests, such as for STIs. Some organizations will also require a home study.

Once an embryo is matched with the parents, they can work with their fertility specialist to determine the best time for implantation to occur. If the implantation is successful, the couple will have a baby born to them. The rate of success depends on the transfer method.


While each organization will have different costs associated with it, the average cost of embryo adoption and implantation is approximately $7,500-$10,000 for the first attempt. Costs tend to go down with future implantations.
