Establishment of Care: Klinefelter Syndrome Guide
Jack was the name we picked out for our son before we even knew he was a boy. There was no significance to [...]
Jack was the name we picked out for our son before we even knew he was a boy. There was no significance to [...]
“You tested positive for Klinefelter Syndrome, therefore you’re expecting a boy,” stated the genetic counselor, sitting across from me with a large binder [...]
My name is Gregory Duncan, I am 30 years old and I have Klinefelter syndrome and this is my story. It’s September of [...]
47 XXY Positivity Jack’s Story Our son, Jack Ryan, was born in June 2018—weighing in at 9 lbs, 2 ounces with a full head [...]
My son Joey is soon to be 28 years old. It’s been 14 years since he was diagnosed with Klinefelter syndrome. I was [...]
Kids aren’t likely to bully Connor Blundin. At 16 years old, he’s well over 6 feet tall and built like a lumberjack. His [...]
Klinefelter Syndrome. When Ryan Bregante sees statistics estimating that 1 in 500 males has the extra X chromosome that causes Klinefelter syndrome. He [...]
Researchers at Stanford University are looking for boys ages 8-13 with confirmed non-mosaic Klinefelter syndrome (47, XXY) to participate in a study exploring [...]
Love is what keeps our community together, and one way we can show our dearest ones living with XXY, just how much we [...]
Our very first Giving Tuesday Today is #GivingTuesday and it is Living with XXY's first. We took on the challenge [...]